Thursday, April 19, 2012

dedicated to..................

sitting in front of my computer....
hmmm it's still 11pm, but i keep listen and sing this song while remembering him.
just an old song,very old and you can judge me that i'm fusty or out of date butttttt.....the lyric and melody was perfect and touch me :')

the song is 'Thankyou for Loving Me' by Bon can find full of lyric by yourself but i just wanna share which part that make this song so lovable for me...
it was,

"All i've got to give to you are these five words when i 'thank you for loving me'...for being my eyes when i couldn't see...for parting my lips when i couldn't breathe... 'thank you for loving me'..."

i know thats just a simple sentences and we often hear,see or read that words...but what makes me melted is the simplicity of the lyric. simple :) simple as what i have for him,just love him. and simple as what i wanna say to him tonight is just "thankyou for loving me" 


Check this out ! :)


  1. lagu paporit, pertama kali ngedenger ampe jadi favorite itu pas denger lagu ini di nikahannya temen, berasa banget deh lagunya. :D
    event ngeblog: menulis di blog dapet android, ikutan yuk!

  2. I love this song. Apalagi pas album yang ada Always, Bed Roses, dan lain sebagainya. Itu album sebelum Thank you for loving me kayaknya.

    Still, love Bon Jovi. :)
